We are physicians who created this website for students pursuing medical school and residency. Having been through the match ourselves we have found that much of the information that is received through peers, administration, residents and from programs can be outdated, and sometimes erroneous. This can lead to catastrophic results, and we have seen students become marginalized by the system due to misinformation.
Matching is the single most important moment of your medical career, and all information should be current and up to date.
Unfortunately, administrators at the medical school are not aware of the trials and tribulations that students have to deal with such as:
Complicated matching software,
Complicated sub-internship application software,
Sub-internship etiquette (usually field specific),
Rumors on the trail,
Unmatched applicant options,
How to approach letters of recommendation.
Some of these issues are not the fault of the program administrators or medical school administrators, but they simply have never tried to match before.
We are here to guard students from the bias that medical schools and various program directors have during the match process. This can oftentimes leave the student without a spot after the match, while the residency program of interest maintains a full roster of residents year after year because of how they play the game.
We are a voice for students. We have been through the process, we have seen it from the other side, and we are here to give the power of the match process back to the students. Call us now, and become prepared for the road to residency.